turn on turn off turn down turn up
turn up turn down turn on turn off
turn off turn out turn over turn down
so that; has been turned when; has turned if; has been turned because; has turned
turn over turn off to turn on turning down
turn on turn off turn down turn up
turn down turn on turn off turn
so that, has been turned when, has turned if , has been turned because, has turned
turn down turn off turn up turn on
turn ; off turn; on take; off take ; on
turn down turn off turn up turn on
Turn down it turn it down turn off it turn it off
turn down turn off turn on turn up
turn up turn down turn to turn off
turn on turn off turn down turn up
turning off;to use to turn it off;using to turn off it;to use to turn it off;to use
turn on turn off turn up turn down
so that; has been turned when; has turned if; has been turned because; has turned
turn away turn down turn back turn off