twice as much much as twice as much twice as twice much
rewarded awarded praised valued
Though; but But;though Though;/ But;/
man, woman men, women man ,women men ,woman
wear wears put on puts on
thousand two thousand two thousands two thousands of
twice as much much as twice as much twice as twice much
was survived; rushed survived from; were rushed survived; was rushed survived; were rushed
players actors doctors nurses
have rushed were rushed were rushing rushed
as; as to; for for; as as; for
nursing was an art that could not be taught additional medical care from nurses was unnecessary volunteer nurses from the upper class were adequate educated nurses would undermine their authority
as; to train to; train for; trains as; training
nursing was an art that could not be taught additional medical care from nurses was unnecessary volunteer nurses from the upper class were adequate educated nurses would undermine their authority
making money finding good nurses patient care hiring more doctors
was rushed; save were rushed; saving rushed; saving rushed; save