call up me call me up call up I call I up
call up me call me up call me out call out me
My, my My, me Me, me I,I.
call me back to call me back call back me to call back me
ask, to call ask, call to ask, call to ask, to call
call to call calling call to
in; in at; at at; in in; at
Yes, give me a hand, please Help me find my bag, please I’m looking for the No.1 bus Yes, would you please help me with the bag?
I’m a student. No, you can’t. You can call me Tom. My friend is Tom.
Would you? Please I'd like to Please do. Thank you just the same No, it'll trouble you
If you are convenient If it is convenient to you If you are inconvenient At your convenience
I’m a student No,you can’t You can call me Tom My friend is Tom