demonstrate designate debate indicate
bill of lading;bill of loading bill of lading;bill of entry bill of entry;bill of loading bill of loading;bill of lading
bill of ladin9; bill of loadin9 bill of ladin9; bill of entry bill of entry; bill of loading bill of loadin9; bill of lading
despair designate disappoint despise
It spoke highly of the mayor. It misinterpreted the mayor’s speech. It made the mayor’s view clearer. It earned the mayor’s speech accurately.
bill of lading; bill of loading bill of loading; bill of entry bill of entry; bill of loading bill of loading; bill of lading
the mayor has agreed with the teachers' union the teachers' strike will last long students haven't been to school for two weeks the mayor was trying to end the schools
bill of lading;bill of loading bill of loading;bill Of entry bill Of entry;bill Of loading bill of loading;bill of lading