Take your time Take it easy No hurry It doesn’t matter
Cheer up Hurry up Take it easy Don’t mention it
Take care Hurry up Not exactly Don’t worry
hurry to hurry hurried hurrying
sensed tolerated realized understood
any more any longer no more no hurry
a little, a few a little, few l
is; in a hurry were; angrily are; happily was; in anger
mustn’t hurry wouldn’t hurry may not hurry don’t have to hurry
sensed tolerated realized understood
mustn’t hurry wouldn’t hurry may not hurry don’t have to hurry
faster fastest more slowly more carefully
a hurry so anxious a such anxious hurry so an anxious hurry such an anxious hurry
such anxious a hurry so an anxious hurry such an anxious hurry so anxious hurry
hurry rush quickness haste
not hurry don’t hurry didn’t hurry won’t hurry