Day(Dat Year(Dat Year(Day(Dat) Day(Year(Dat)
The time of shipment should be stipulated only in a clear way in the L/C The latest date for shipment shall not be extended by reason of the extension of the expiry date and/or the period of time after the date of shipment for presentation of documents The exporter should consider whether he can get the goods ready before the shipment date and whether the ship is available if goods are ready If the L/C simply stipulates an expiry date without a shipment date which means these two dates are the same
uponT310expiry uponT312expiry uponrandom access problem indication fromMCG MAC while neitherT300,T301,T304norT311 is running uponindication from MCG RLC that themaximum number of retransmissions hasbeenreached for an SRB or DRB
two dates are not the same two dates are the same shipment date is earlier than expiry date. expiry date is earlier than shipment date
T310 expiry inPSCell T312 expiry inPSCell T304 of a secondary cell group expires integrity check failure indication fromSCGlowerlayers
chownrwxr-x---dat chmodrwxr-x---dat chmodg+rxdat chmod750dat
ATTRIB+Hstudent.dat ATTRIB+Asmdent.dat ATTRIB+Sstudent.dat ATTRIB+Rsmdent.dat
Open"text.dat"For Write As #1 Open"text.dat"For Binary As #1 Open"text.dat"For Input As #1 Open"text.dat"For Random As #1
T310 expiry in PSCell T312 expiry in PSCell T304 of a secondary cell group expires integrity check failure indication from SCG lower layers
Open"text.dat"For Write As#1 Open"text.dat"For Binary As#1 Open"text.dat"For Input As#1 Open"text.dat"For Random As#1
lessee lesser lessees lessers
Day(Dat Yea(Dat Year(Day(Dat ) Day(Year(Dat )
Open"text.dat" For Write As#1 Open"text.dat"For Binary As#1 Opcn"text.dat"For lnput As#1 Open"text.dat"For Random As#1
Oven"text.dat"For Write As#1 Open"text.dat"For Binary As#1 OVen"text.dat"For Input As#1 Open"text.dat"For Random As#1
running.dat startrun.dat backup.dat ftp.dat