Take it easy By no means You got it Forget it
Forget it Take it easy By no means You got it
take it easy OK don't say so forget it
Losing Lost To lose Being lost
Losing her bike because of her bike Lost her bike Because she lost her bike
because of losing his bike he lost his bike because he lost his bike losing his bike
Tom has lost his bike four days ago Tom has lost his bike for four days Tom lost his bike for four days It’s four days since Tom lost his bike
decision satisfaction surprise joy
Of course not. Of coursE. Here you arE. I don’t have a bikE. No, thanks.
Take it easy By no means You got it Forget it .
You’re welcome Oh, really It doesn't matter That’s all right
Take it easy By no means You got it Forget it .
Lost Losing Because of losing Since I lost
Lost Losing Because of losing Since I lost
Lost her bike Losing her bike She lost her bike Because of losing her bike