Google GFS Google MAPREDUCE Google bigtable Google Chubby
google也在做黑客 google正在被黑 通过gogle搜索引擎发现一些可被攻击的信息的一种方法 google的一种黑客工具
Google offers a more powerful search tool than MSN. Microsoft are better at designing such software as Windows. MSN has some unquenchable technical loopholes in its software. users can perform certain tasks for free with Google’s support.
Google地图 Google语音搜索 Googlemail Google音乐
their dominant meanings have not been determined sometimes they mean something different from their dominant meanings our natural impulse makes a mistake the dominant sense of a word is not accurate in our minds
Dominant males had adequate living space. Dominant males were not as seriously affected by overcrowding as the other rats. Dominant males attacked weaker rats. The strongest males are always able to adapt to bad conditions.
eBay should further cooperate with Google to survive. eBay should form an alliance with Yahoo! or Microsoft. Google is making smaller revenues than eBay. Google’s core business has already shrank by 3%.
App Engine Datastore App Engine SQL Google Cloud SQL Google Cloud Storage
Google GFS Google MapReduce Google BigTable Google Chubby
Google GFS Google MapReduce Google BigTable Google Chubby
Google GFS Google MapReduce Google BigTable Google Chubby
在Google的基础架构上运行个人网络应用程序 Google App Engine应用程序易于构建和维护 根据应用程序访问量和数据存储需要的增长轻松扩展 使用Google App Engine,用户还需维护服务器
Google地图 Google地球 Google搜索引擎 Google
合作伙伴 主要的竞争对手 Google是微软的主要客户 微软采用 Google的搜索技术