Had you required Should you require Would you require Could you require
Thanks a lot That’s a pity Thanks anyway I’m sorry to hear it
Thanks a lot That’s a pity Thanks anyway I’m sorry to hear that
thirsty tired hungry sick
call me back to call me back call back me to call back me
knife fork spoon chopstick
put up put away . take up pick up
get paid got paid will get paid had got paid
call to call calling call to
It isn't my cup of tea It's her turn to call me It's a great pity It's up to you
Thanks a lot That’s a pity Thanks anyway I’m sorry to hear it
hang out help out hand out keep out
No problem It's a pleasure Forget it My pleasure
a;an a;the the;an the;the
Thanks a lot That’s a pity Thanks anyway I’m sorry to hear that
Thanks a lot That’s a pity Thanks anyway I’m sorry to hear that