uponT310expiry uponT312expiry uponrandom access problem indication fromMCG MAC while neitherT300,T301,T304norT311 is running uponindication from MCG RLC that themaximum number of retransmissions hasbeenreached for an SRB or DRB
will come;come will come;will come c
will come , comes will come , will come comes, will come comes, comes
grounds reason cause purpose
grounds reason cause Purpose
lies a new- built bridge lies a newly- built bridge a new built- bridge lies a newly- built bridge lies
grounds reason cause purpose
promoted kept left Created
to; on in the; in /; on to the; in
grounds reason cause purpose
grounds reason cause Purpose
lies Qufu; which Qufu lies; where Qufu lies ; which lies Qufu; where
will come,will come comes,will come w
to; on in the; in 不填; on to the; in
that; it where; that that; which when; it