产品(Product)、促销(Promotion)、人员(Peopl、有形展示(PhysicalEvidenc 分销(Plac、产品(Product)、价格(Pric、过程(Process) 产品(Product)、价格(Pric、分销(Plac、促销(Promotion) 产品(Product)、价格(Pric、人员(Peopl、过程(Process)
to store active paperwork. to keep family records. to convenient movement of paperwork. to do it conveniently at any plac
one other another the other
产品(Product) 价格(Pric 渠道(Plac 促销(Promotion) 公关(PublicRelation)
产地(product)价格(pric销售地(plac促销(promotion) 产品(product)价格(pric地点(plac促销(promotion) 产品来源(product)价格(pric地点(plac销售方式(promotion)
not until I visited Guilin not until I did visit Guilin until I visited Guilin until did I visit Guilin
This is a one-dimensional array of records, also called a tabl This is so called record of arrays; The event can occur in up to 20 places and on up to 5 different dates in each plac A reference to placdatmo will access the month of the jth occurrence, in the ith place, of
Illustrator的文件可以置入(File Plac)TIFF格式的图像 Illustrator的文件可以置入(File Plac)JPEG格式的图像 Illustrator的文件不能置入(File Plac)PSD格式的图像 Illustrator的文件可以置入(File Plac)PSD格式的图像
只影响到“4P”中的渠道(Plac 只影响到“4P”中的促销(Promotio 只影响到“4P”中的价格(Pric、促销(Promotio和渠道(Plac 对“4P”中的四个组成部分都有影响
how long it takes to fly to Guilin how soon it takes to fly to Guilin how long does it take to fly to Guilin how soon does it take to fly to Guilin