属于单细胞真核生物 在生态系统中属于生产者 含有DNA和RNA两类核酸 大量繁殖会造成生态危机
the; a a; the 不填;a 不填;the
figure out make out turn out get across
signs examples symbols marks
21三体综合征患者体细胞中染色体数目为45条 产前诊断能有效地检测出胎儿是否患有遗传病 遗传咨询的第一步是分析并确定遗传病的遗传方式 人类基因组测序是测定人体细胞中所有DNA碱基序列
转运20种氨基酸的tRNA总共有64种 T细胞受病毒刺激后有特定mRNA的合成 线粒体.叶绿体和核糖体中均存在A﹣T和U﹣A的配对方式 基因的两条链可分别作模板进行转录,以提高蛋白质合成的效率
cross crossing crossed to cross
As far as As long as As good as As well as
so great honor such great honor so great an honor such great an honor
make it take it reach for it catch up with it
(﹣∞,0)∪(1,+∞) (1,+∞) (0,1) (﹣∞,1)
break down break up break out break off
went up went off went out went away
dozen of books several dozens books several dozens of books several dozen books
that; where which; that where; that which; where
线粒体内膜的表面积大于外膜 内质网可为多种酶提供附着位点 细胞膜内外两侧的蛋白质种类相同 叶绿体的类囊体薄膜可进行能量转换