How come? So what? why not? Great!
don’t to be late for to not late for not to be late for not to late for
arrive late for arrive late late
How come What for So what Why not
How come what for So what Why not
arrive late arrive late late for
not to late to not be late not to be late to be not late
How come What for So what Why not
Yes, never Yes, sometimes
No, ever No, usually
arrive late for arrive late late
So what Why not How come What for
Can you arrive late at class What are the rules What else do you have to do Did you arrive late at class
always sometimes often never
How come So what Why not What for
usually ever sometimes never
usually hard ever sometimes never
How come What for So what Why not
usually hardly ever sometimes never
Yes,never Yes,sometimes No,ever No,usually
late; to late; for early; to early; for