How much would you like What can I do for you What colour do you want What size would you like
What do you like? Do you like a T-shirt? Can I help you? Can you help me?
take up make up set up put up
That’s right Exactly Far from it Just for fun
How do you like my guitar What do you think of London What do you like about the concert Would you like to play the guitar
take up make up set up put up
How do you like that? What’s wrong with it? What do you do? What should I do?
So I am So am I So I do So doI.
to do;to do doing;doing; doing;to do to do;doing
Do you like living here? What kind of home do you live? Where do you like ? How many floors are there in your building?
waste to waste wasting wasted
How much would you like What can I do for you What colour do you want What size would you like?
How much is it What can you do Can you draw pictures What club do you want to join
mustn't needn't can't don't
How terrible What a wonderful picture How beautiful is it What delicious
How terrible What wonderful How beautiful What delicious