carry it off carry it out carry it down carry it up
I like movies that are saD. Thank you for inviting. It’s great. I have never seen such a wonderful moviE. I’m sorry; I can’t go to the movie with you.
Do you like the movie “Alice in Wonderland” How do you find the movie “Alice in Wonderland” Who starred the movie “Alice in Wonderland” What does the movie “Alice in Wonderland” tell of
carry it off carry it out carry it down carry it up
for, carry for, to carry of, carry of, to carry
way sense direction position
The, / A, / The, the A, the
A. was seeing a movie see a movie have seen a movie will see a movie
expect want wait for look forward to
now and again here and there more or less more and more
depend on get rid of live off fight against