though they are receiving a lot of decibels of sound in fact because it does not have any negative effect because they do not have to tolerate the noise around them even though it is sometimes unpleasant hearing strange sounds
tell you don’t tell you not to told you didn’t told you not to
catches buries drives influences
enjoy hearing airplanes taking off and landing are usually not troubled by the noise can easily tell sound from noise can be measured by machines
catches buries drives influences
I didn’t mind late objected so much noise
can be measured in the same way that "noise" is measured may be extremely harmful to health is not at all different from "noise" can be measured by machines
had kept is keeping has kept kept
can not complete his work in a noisy situation will suffer from complete deafness because of noise pollution can be psychologically affected by working in very noisy factories may cooperate well in a noisy surrounding
we want to stay both psychologically and physically healthy we don’t want to be angry with others we want to work hard and cooperate well with each other we don’t want to suffer from serious anxiety and feel uneasy