careful useful hopeful thankful
So; too thankful Such; so thankful So; that thankful Such; thankful such
So; too thankful Such; too thankful So; that thankful Such; enough thankful
present thankful interested important
thoughtful thankful thoughtbess thoughtfulness
too thankful for, speak such grateful for, say so greatful to, speak so thankful to, say
So; too thankful Such; too thankful So; that thankful Such; thankful such
So, too thankful Such, so thankful So, that thankful Such, too thankful
careful useful hopeful thankful
So; too thankful Such; so thankful So; that thankful Such; thankful enough
present thankful interested important
thanks to thankful for grateful to grateful for
helpful hateful delightful thankful
thanks to thankful for grateful to grateful for
careful hateful beautiful thankful
helpful hateful delightful thankful