what; surprised what; was surprised that; surprised that; was surprising
surprised; surprised surprised; surprising surprising; surprised surprising; surprising
surprising;surprised surprising;surprising surprised;surprising surprised;surprised
surprised, surprised surprised, surprise surprise, surprised surprising, surprise
on which by which to which in which
were surprised were worried about burst into laughter couldn’t help laughing
surprised; the way surprising; in the way surprise; in the way that has been surprised; the way which
gone through called off caught up taken in
shouldn’t be isn’t wasn’t not be
what; surprised what; was surprised that; surprised that; was surprised
what; surprised what; was surprised that; surprised that; was surprising
what; surprised what; was surprised that; surprised that; was surprising
proud of afraid of surprised at worried about
surpring, surprised surprised, surprising surprised, surprised surpring, surprising
in the way that in the way the way which the way