he realized he didn’t realize didn’t he realize did he realize
he realized he didn’t realize didn’t he realize did he realize
did he find what when he found that that he found what when he found what
in the way by the way on the way in this way
in which in what from what from which
which floor did he lived on which is the way to the nearest bank how can I get to the bus station that he will come back soon
he realized he didn’t realize didn’t he realize did he realize
through by way of across on way of
no problem no wonder no doubt no way
he drives he drove does he drive did he drive
he realized he didn't realize did he realize didn't he realize
he realized he didn’t realize didn’t realize did he realize
By the way On one hand As a result At the start
By the way On one hand As a result At the start
in which in what of which from which
did he envy he envied he was envied was he envied
did he envy he envied he was envied was he envied
he realized he didn't realize didn't he realize did he realize
he realized he didn’t realize did he realize didn’t he realize