shouldn’t agree wouldn’t agree hadn’t agreed didn’t agree
don’t realize didn’t realize hadn’t realized haven’t realized
didn't realize don't realize haven't realized hadn't realized
permitted admitted allowed agreed
How’s that What is it Why don’t you What do you think
don’t realize didn’t realize hadn’t realized haven’t realized
What is it Why don’t you What do you think How is it
allowed promised invited agreed
How is it What is it Why don’t you what do you think
What is it Why don’t you What do you think How is it
didn’t agree hadn’t agreed wouldn’t agree shouldn’t agree
it included the amendments agreed up until that date it included none of the amendment agreed up until that date it required two thirds of the Parties ’ acceptance for a amendment to enter into force it included a tacit acceptance procedure
didn’t turn up hasn’t turned up didn’t turn off hasn’t turned out
It is generally agreed on;more than It is generally agreed with; rather than It is generally agreed;more than what is generally agreed with is;rather than
How is it What is it Why don’t you What do you think
General speaking Generally speaking General spoken Generally to speak
taken up taken in taken off taken on