Ships name Call sign Ships speed Captains name"
initiate a ship-to-shore security alert transmit a ship-to-shore security alert initiate an alert identifying the ship, its location raise a security alarm on-board the ship indicating that the ship is under threat
Echoes from a buoy Own ship's marker Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed"
To be warned To have been warned Having been warned Being warned
it will always show a fixed course or courses in one quadrant regardless of the coursechange its card will be sluggish and unsteady its card will remain in certain direction regardless of the course change its course reading is always north"
the deviations of the compass will vary with the course of the ship the deviations cannot be adjusted the sectors of sluggishness and unsteadiness of the compass cannot be adjusted the compass will have neither deviations nor sectors of sluggishness and unsteadiness
gained at right angles to the original course gained in the direction of the original course moved sidewise from the original course when the rudder is first put over around the circumference of the turning circle
does not break the towline does not get too much way on the vessel keeps a steady course so the towline will remain tight turns the ship toward the direction of pull"
isn’t; is isn’t; will be wasn’t; is wasn’t; has been
on board ships in coast stations in AIS transmission center both on board ships and in coast stations"
varies with the courses of the ship is equal to the effects of the magnetic material in the ship is opposite to the effects of the magnetic material in the ship is the deflection of its card to the right or left of the magnetic material"
gyro repeater and rudder angle indicator AIS autopilot all above
safety the ship, its machinery and crew immediate action the engineer in charge
"help one control the traffic". "help one find one's way". "give a ship correct information about its course". "direct a plane to its destination".
Right Wrong Not mentioned
equal larger smaller equivalent
to steer the course to ensure the at frequent intervals to ensure the ship follows the planned course to use them safely"