I think so You must be joking You are welcome It doesn’t matter
as a difficult subject as a subject the same difficult as as difficult a subject as the same difficult subject as
easy easier easiest the easiest
what is they are this which are
as useful as not so useful as less useful than the most useful of
hardly easily probably nearly
I think so You must be joking You are welcome It doesn’t matter
I think so You must be joking You are welcome It doesn’t matter
What if How come Why not So what
confused; to learn confusing; to be learned confused; to learn it confusing; to learn
as useful as not so useful as less useful than the most useful of
I think so You must be joking You are welcome It doesn't matter
difficult more difficult the most difficult much difficult
as a difficult subject as a subject the same difficult as as difficult a subject as the same difficult subject as
easy to be learned easily to learn easy to learn easily to be learned
What if How come Why not So what