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让Bob交代Carol有关工作的事 单独和Carol会谈给她介绍并分派工作 举行一个团队会议让所有人介绍各自的工作以及和Carol工作的关系 让每一个团队成员单独和Carol交谈以帮助她尽快进入项目
Carol was not dead. Carol would come back in six weeks. Carol was driving a boat 8,000 km away.
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Carol Carol’s to Carol to Carol’s
He could see people and things in other places. He could hear people talk far away. He could read people’s minds.
Gerard Croiset. Mr. Sandelius. The police.
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Because the police couldn’t find Carol. Because Carol didn’t want to come home. Because Carol couldn’t find her way back home.
They asked Gerard Croiset for help. The let people see her pictures. They put her pictures in newspapers.
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