主控板SC1-MCU 数字中继接口 SC1-DTU-4 模拟中继接口板 SC1-ATU-8 128 路媒体资源板 SC1-MRU-128
Self-interest is the life-line of economic activities. Government shouldn't intervene in the economy. Competition will benefit the society for consumers’ needs are tended. Economic forces should be intended to promote public interest.
SELECT sname FROM student,SELECT cno,grade FROM SC WHERE student.sno=SC.sno SELECT sname,cno,grade FROMstudent,course WHEREstudent.sno=course.Cno SELECT sname,cname,grade FROMstudent,course,SC WHEREstudent.sno=SC.snoandSC.cno=course,cno SELECT sname,cno,grade FROMstudent,SC WHEREstudent.sno=sc.sno
ST-ST光纤耦合器 SC-SC光纤耦合器 ST-SC光纤适配器 SC型光纤连接器
Satan tempted(旅惑) Eve to eat the apple first. Eve persuaded Adam to eat the apple after her. Adam also ate the apple without hesitating. Both Adam and Eve finally forgot God' s words.
大卫李嘉图(Dave Riehado) 亚当斯密(Adam Smith) 马歇尔(Marshall) 卡尔马克思(Karl Marx)
Self-interest is the life-line of economic activities. Government shouldn't intervene in the economy. Competition will benefit the society for consumers’ needs are tended. Economic forces should be intended to promote public interest.
SELECT sname FROM student,SELECT cno,grade FROM SC WHERE student.sno=SC.sno SELECT sname,cno,grade FROMstudent,course WHEREstudent.sno=course.Cno SELECT sname,cname,grade FROMstudent,course,SC WHEREstudent.sno=SC.snoandSC.cno=course,cno SELECT sname,cno,grade FROMstudent,SC WHEREstudent.sno=sc.sno
select 学号,数学 from sc where 数学>(select avg(数学) from sc) select 学号 where 数学>(select avg(数学) from sc) select 数学 avg(数学) from sc select 数学>(select avg(数学) from sc)
Thomas Hobbes John Locke Adam Smith
select 学号,数学 from sc where 数学>(select avg(数学) from sc) select 学号 where 数学>(select avg(数学) from sc) select 数学 avg (数学) from sc select 数学>(select avg(数学) from sc)
by God from his rib by Adam from his rib by God from Adam' s rib by Adam from God' s rib
《资本论》 《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》 《纯粹经济学要义》 《政治经济学及赋税原理》