postpone promote provide possess
20的协调效率 G20的落实能力 G20的领导力 G20维护和平能力
《G20合约》 《G20公报》 《G20公约》 《G20公告》
Thanks to In terms of With regard to In addition to
whose which of which of whom
2016年G20峰会在我国浙江省杭州市举行 2016年G20峰会的主题是“构建创新、活力、联运、包容的世界经济” G20是亚太地区层级最高、领域最广、最具影响力的经济合作机制 二十国集团领导人第一次峰会于2008年举行
Thanks to In terms of With regard to In addition to
tendency intention appreciation distinction
stopped must stop stop might stop
rather than other than more than less than