Did Paul receive Should Paul receive Had Paul received Were Paul to receive
what is Paul like what Paul is like what does Paul like what Paul likes
Stiglitz(斯蒂格利茨) Sen(森) Arrow(阿罗) Samuelson(萨缪尔森)
compactly inexpensively quickly carefully
compactly inexpensively quickly carefully
compactly inexpensively quick carefully
Justin and Paul’s Justin’s and Paul’s Justin’s and Paul Justin and Paul
whether Paul will go or not when will Paul go to the party how Paul went to the party how did Paul go to the party
what is Paul like what Paul is like what does Paul like what Paul likes
what is Paul like what Paul is like what does Paul like what Paul likes
Neither does Paul So does Paul So has Paul Neither has Paula
Jack's and Paul Jack and Paul Jack and Paul's Jack's and Paul's
乘数的作用 加速数的作用 乘数和加速数的交织作用 都不正确
what is Paul like what Paul is like what does Paul like what Paul likes
compactly inexpensively quickly carefully
compactly inexpensively quick carefully
whether Paul will go or not when will Paul go to the party how Paul went to the party how did Paul go to the party