he adapted the Bible he approached the scripture in a scholarly fashion he appraised the scripture critically he understood the scripture rationally
positive negative skeptical indifferent
misinterpretation interpretation translation explanation
Because it contained a mistake Because it allowed people to commit adultery Because the original content of Bible was changed a lot in this edition Because a misprint of this edition affected the original meaning
he adapted the Bible he approached the scripture in a scholarly fashion he appraised the scripture critically he understood the scripture rationally
comparison excitement comic relief accuracy
Moments Throughout moments Moments have been There have been moments
Reformation leaders thought all the messages in Bible were original. People in 18th century can adapt Bible to their wills. Bible was looked upon as the primitive people’s thoughts in 19th century. Bible’s authority was reassumed through the fundamentalist movement.
positive negative skeptical indifferent
the most exciting; more exciting the most excited; more exciting the exciting; more exciting the exciting; more excited
a moment moments the moment the moments
Reformation leaders thought all the messages in Bible were original. People in 18th century can adapt Bible to their wills. Bible was looked upon as the primitive people’s thoughts in 19th century. Bible’s authority was reassumed through the fundamentalist movement.
Because it contained a mistake. Because it allowed people to commit adultery. Because the original content of Bible was changed a lot in this edition. Because a misprint of this edition affected the original meanin
remarkable terrifying important insignificant