串级SCOT SCOT Chinsulf-SDP Superclaus
SCOT 串级SCOT Chinsulf-SDP Superclaus
Self-interest is the life-line of economic activities. Government shouldn't intervene in the economy. Competition will benefit the society for consumers’ needs are tended. Economic forces should be intended to promote public interest.
SCOT基本流程 SCOT合并再生流程 SCOT串级流程 都可以
SCOT装置主燃烧炉 硫磺回收装置主燃烧炉 硫磺回收装置一级反应器 硫磺回收装置二级反应器
大卫李嘉图(Dave Riehado) 亚当斯密(Adam Smith) 马歇尔(Marshall) 卡尔马克思(Karl Marx)
Self-interest is the life-line of economic activities. Government shouldn't intervene in the economy. Competition will benefit the society for consumers’ needs are tended. Economic forces should be intended to promote public interest.
MCRC SCOT Lo-Cat Chinsulf-SDP
where Scot is what is Scot doing how Scot did it why Scot is doing it
进酸性气前 克劳斯开工正常后 SCOT催化剂硫化后 克劳斯尾气改进SCOT时
Thomas Hobbes John Locke Adam Smith
MCRC SCOT Lo-Cat Chinsulf-SDP
《资本论》 《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》 《纯粹经济学要义》 《政治经济学及赋税原理》