cheered up shone up stood up lit up
filled up held up brought up taken up
had made has made has read had read
You don’t say! You set me up. I’ll say. Don’t fall for it.
Hold on, out Wait, out Hold up; in Hang up, in
They like flying by themselves. They are unwilling to take advice. They pretend to be good pilots. They are quick learners of CRM.
getting up getting on getting off getting out
he saved the plane by speaking up he was in charge of a flying task his boss landed the plane too late his boss operated on a patient
following flying requirements. overreacting to different opinions. listening to what fellow doctors say making a mistake that may cost lives
cheered up shone up stood up lit up
improve increase deal speak
cheered up shone up stood up lit up
getting up getting on getting off getting out
stood by stood out stood up stood for
CRM:A New Way to Make Flying Safe Flying Makes Me a Better Doctor The Making of a Good Pilot A Pilot-Turned Doctor