accidentally accurately positively deliberately
transmitting Morse code flashing flags sending flag signals sending sound signals"
put up put out put on put up with
To save Saving Saved Having saved
STARTindication lamp of the master compass operating panel REPEATERpower supply indicating lamp of the master compass Power Supply Indicatorof the power supply unit RUNNINGlamp of the master compass operating panel"
invented discovered found developed
flame safety lamp combustible gas indicator gasometer oxygen indicator
Navigation lamp Windlass Main sea water pump Compressor
LAMP1/LAMP2是子架间告警级联,向机柜指示灯输出告警信号 COM口是子架间通信口 ETH1/ETH2/ETH3口是主从子架间通信接口 NM_ETH1/NM_ETH2是网管接口或网管级联口
Power Supply Indicator of the power supply unit STARTindication lamp of the master compass operating panel REPEATERpower supply indicating lamp RUNNINGlamp of the master compass operating panel"
electrical electronic electric electricity
lighted lighting lit light
folding repairing making cleaning