keep piston crown temperatures elevated for smoother combustion reduce the possibility of overheating the top compression ring help retain the heat of compression to prevent ignition delay help retain the heat of compression to prevent combustion knock
Low compression pressure and high exhaust temperature Low firing pressure and high exhaust temperature Low compression pressure and low exhaust temperature Low firing pressure and low exhaust temperature
Compression ratio Fuel/Air ratio Compression pressure Lube oil pressure
Used of bimetallic piston rings Ring gap pre-tensioning Thermal increase in ring-end clearance Gas pressure acting against the back of the ring
power and intake intake and exhaust exhaust and compression compression and power
tension load twice each crankshaft revolution compression load during power and compression strokes inertia load once every four crankshaft revolutions bending loads at bottom and top dead center
Exhaust and scavenging Scavenging and compression Ignition and expansion Exhaust and compression
increase decrease remain the same increase on compression decrease on expansion
clogged air filter compression stroke burned exhaust valves all of the above
suction compression expansion exhaust
Power factor Power ratio compression ratio Compression factor
An increase in compression ratio will increase the ignition lag An increase in compression ratio will decrease the ignition lag A decrease in compression ratio will decrease the ignition lag A decrease in ignition lag will increase the compression ratio
air quantity aspirated fuel injection pressure combustion pressure on the power stroke compression on the compression stroke
increased compression ratio decreased compression ratio increased bearing clearance decreased bearing clearance
Decreased connecting rod bearing clearance Increased connecting rod bearing clearance Decreased compression ratio Increased compression ratio
compression pressure compression test compression ratio compression clearance
low compression pressure increased piston wear increased cylinder lube oil consumption poor contact between compression rings and liner
compression must be low for effective spark ignition compression must be low for required horsepower and torque generation compression must be low to prevent pre-ignition compression must be low to have effective pre-ignition
Higher compression ratios create higher temperature Higher temperatures create higher compression ratios low temperatures create higher compression ratios Higher compression ratios create low temperatures