but their teacher cannot hear them and their teacher can hear them, too but cannot hear their schoolmates and see him or her at the same time
地塞米松 美替拉酮 氢化可的松 去氧皮质酮 甲泼尼松
they live far away from one another they do not like school they are not old enough to go to school their families are too poor
100~200度 200-300度 300~400度 700-800度
a property a car a school room at home a special radio
80米/分,1—2 60米/分,3—5 40米/分,2—4 50米/分,3—5
地塞米松 美替拉酮 氢化可的松 去氧皮质酮 甲泼尼松
300度以内 300—500度 500—1000 1000以上
小刘家与超市相距3000米 小刘去超市途中的速度是300米/分 小刘在超市逗留了30分钟 小刘从超市返回家比从家里去超市的速度快
how has Robert come where Robert is when will Robert leave what does Robert like
400度~500度 300度~400度 200度~300度 500度~700度
18小时26分 18小时12分 18小时56分 19小时16分
not in a classroom but at the homes of the students by speaking only and not showing anything in writing without using any textbooks or pictures without knowing whether the students are attending
how has Robert come where Robert is when will Robert leave what does Robert like