ifstream fin;fin.open("C:////test.txt"); ifstream fin("C:////test.txt"); (A和B) ifstream fin;fin("C:////test.txt");
fin.fail( ); fin.bad( ); fin.good( ); fin.eof( );
how did Tom come to school when Tom got to school w
ifstream fin = ifstream, open( "file. dat" ) ; ifstream * fin = new ifstream( "file. dat" ) ; ifstream fin; fin. open ( "file. dat" ) ; ifstream * fin = new ifstream() ; fin -> open( "file. dat" ) ;
The weather is fine. Maybe he' s suffering from cold. His supervisor gave performance evaluation this morning. Perhaps he was reading some novels. That' s beyond me. I can' t guess what was happening with Donal
shall be spent to wash is going to take to wash will speng in washing will be spent washing
were taken was spent has taken will be spent
fin.fail() ; fin.bad() ; fin,good() ; fin.eof();
The weather is fine. Maybe he' s suffering from cold. His supervisor gave performance evaluation this morning. Perhaps he was reading some novels. That' s beyond me. I can' t guess what was happening with Donald.
fin. fail( ) ; fin. bad( ) ; fin. good( ) ; fin. eof( ) ;
fin.fail( ); fin.bad( ); fin.good( ); fin.eof( );
ifstream fin;fin.open("C:////test.txt"); ifstream fin("C:////test.txt"); A)和B) ifstream fin;fin("C:////test.txt");