I do Me, too You are right He does
it senses a coming danger it is forced to swim on a hot day it is short of its favorite food it wants to keep itself to itself
hottest hotter best better
Me too. SurE. Really? Of course not.
hottest hotter best better
too much; too much much too; much too much too, too much too much, much too
Yes, I do . Of course not . Yes, I mind No, please don’t.
to be; swimming be; swimming be; swim to be; to swim
much too hot very much hot too much heat very much heat
too much , much too much too , much too too much , too much much too , too much
swim; skate swimming; skating swimming; skate skate; swimming
healthy comfortable strong hot
between through across over
hottest hotter best better
much too hot very much hot too much heat very much heat
much too hot too much hot very much hot very much heat