date, day day, date date, date day, day
What time is it What day is it today When is it today What’s the date today
date, day day, date date, date day, day
Children's Day National Day Midautumn Day Mother's Day
What day was it What time was it What was the date What was the weather like
analysis of the value of the equipment that has been installed as of the date analysis of the sum of the labor costs, which have been incurred on the project to date a method of project performance measurement a method of measuring the amount of money that has been spent to date
what day is it today what's the date today what's the time what's your name
up to date out of date out of place out of sight
It’s Monday It’s March It’s October 11 It’s in 2017
Pushes the finish date out ten days. Delays the early start date of the next dependent task five days. Allows the project to finish five days earlier. The finish date doesn't change.
Sunday August the nineth the first of May October fifth
It’s Saturday It’s October I