They feel puzzled over choices. They hold on to the wrong things. They find it hard to make changes. They have to do something for show
动物园已经采取了防护措施,即尽到了管理职责,可以不承担责任 驯兽师驯养狮子不合格导致狮子咬人,应负主要责任 狮子属于危险性动物,甲抚摸狮子的头部金毛,导致其被咬伤,甲存在过错,应自行承担责任 动物园举办“人狮合影”活动,没有尽到管理职责,应当由其承担责任
Tolerant. Doubtful. Respectful. Supportive.
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when is it hungry a lion will attack When it is hungry a lion will attack when it is hungry will a lion attack when is it hungry will a lion attack
wait for a better chance break your old habits make a quick decision ask for clear guidance
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when is it hungry a lion will attack when it is hungry a lion will attack when it is hungry will a lion attack when is it hungry will a lion attack
To trick the lion. To show off his skills. To get ready for a fight. To entertain the audience.
动物园已经采取了防护措施,即尽到了管理职责,可以不承担责任 驯兽师驯养狮子不合格,导致狮子咬人,应负主要责任 狮子属于危险性动物,甲某抚摸狮子的头部金毛,导致其被咬伤,甲某存在过错,应自行承担责任 动物园举办“人狮合影”活动,没有尽到管理职责,应当由其承担责任
杂技(含驯兽)与魔术表演 特指以人体技巧为核心的表演。 可特指马术。 含马术、驯兽在内的所有动物节目表演。