Whichever Which Whatever What
shoulders possesses carries shares
Having been filling Be filled Filled Filling
shoulder shoulders arms Bodies
prettily; shoulder-length pretty; shoulder-length prettier; shoulders-length pretty; shoulders-length
used to,shoulders used to ,heads got used to,shoulders was used to, heads
shoulders shouldered is shouldering has been shouldering
浮髌试验 髂胫束挛缩试验(Ober试验) 髌骨摩擦试验(Stoo-Holl征) 半月板弹响试验(回旋研磨试验或McMurray征) 研磨试验(Apley试验或膝关节旋转提拉和挤压试验)
across over above through
fold folding folded to fold
accurately cautiously brilliantly disappointedly