tired for walk tire to walk tiring to go tired to go
didn’t need walk needed not walk didn’t need to walk need not to walk
take a walking take a walk taking a walk takes a walk
At times Some time At the same time all the times
Watching TV Watch TV Taking a walk after supper Take a walk after supper
lets,doing makes,doing makes,do lets,to do
went has gone would go had gone
walk home walk to home go to home on go home on feet
take a walking take a walk taking a walk takes a walk
didn’t need walk needed not walk need not to walk didn’t need to walk
to walk; exercises for a walk; exercise to a walk; exercises for walk; exercise
to walk;jogging walk;jog to walk;jog walking;jogging
walk home walks home walk to home walks to home
to walk; exercises for a walk; exercise to a walk; exercises for walk; exercise
to a walk with a walk for a walk on a walk
walk to walks to walk walks
tired for walk tire to walk tiring to go tired to go