a reward of, for the reward for, of the reward of, for a reward for, for
立即暂停手术 阿托品0.5mgiv 阿托品0.3mgiv 麻黄碱10mgiv 去氧肾上腺素40μgiv
touches praises gives oranges
reward criticism failure success
The reward was such Such was the reward Was such the reward The reward such was
award; to reward; to award; for reward; for
will give would have given must give should have giv
reward prize thank praise
纳布啡5mgiv 右旋美托咪定30μgiv 苯海拉明50mgiv 羟嗪20mgim 丙泊酚10mgiv
reward; reward award; award award; reward reward; award
allot assign award reward
honor benefit reward prize
reward prize thank prsise
reward progress fulfillment intelligence