A.bit more efforts If you double your efforts Making greater efforts On condition that you keep up your spirits
A bit more efforts Keep up your spirits If you double your efforts Making greater efforts
If you double your efforts So long as you keep your spirits A.bit more efforts Making greater efforts
If you double you efforts So long as you keep up your spirts Making greater efforts A bit more efforts
If you double your efforts So long as you keep up your spirits Making greater efforts A.bit more efforts
more efforts; more progress greater progress; greater efforts more efforts; more progresses many more efforts; much progress
increase the time allowed on those tasks that have float try to increase expenditures of time on only those tasks that are behind schedule replace those workers that are not performing up to par with the busy workers increase work efforts on those tasks that are on the critical path
If we double our efforts Unless we make every effort Make more efforts Making greater efforts
A bit more efforts Making greater efforts If you double your efforts So long as you make more efforts
will be are to be can be were to be
If we double our efforts Unless we make every effort Make more efforts Making greater efforts
If you double your efforts A bit more efforts Making greater efforts So long as you keep up your spirits
If you double your efforts So long as you keep up your spirits Making greater efforts A.bit more efforts
A.bit more efforts Making greater efforts If you double your efforts So long as you make more efforts
A.bit more efforts Keep up your spirits If you double your efforts Making greater efforts
but that but for however that no matter how