By simultaneous ballasting and cargo discharge By reducing the IG pressure By minimizing the amount of departure ballast By closing all the openings
Planned value Earned value Actual cost Cost variance
calculating the ullage in the cargo tanks loading ballast by gravity the loading of new cargo into the slop tank as a procedure to minimize pollution calculating the ratio of cargo expansion in a cargo tank
agent broker shipowner charterer
voyage chartering time chartering bareboad chartering TCT
delivery laytime off-hire redelivery
after its arrival at the destination during the ship's voyage at Sea before they come to the dock during the time when the loading or discharging is going on"
In due course On time In time Swiftly"
liberty liability possibility reasonability "
Planned value Earned value Actual cost Cost variance
The power of the ship The LOA of the ship The number of crew members The cargo carried on board"
Planned value Earned value Actual cost Cost variance
commission deadfreight hire freight
Planned value Earned value Actual cost Cost variance
Planned value Earned value Actual cost Cost variance
Planned value Actual cost Earned value Cost variance
after its arrival at the destination during the ship's voyage at Sea before they come to the dock during the time when the loading or discharging is going on"
placed on deck to support the cargo separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady shims for stowing baled cargo nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch
To reduce amount of sludge in cargo tanks To reduce pollution To improve cargo outturn To prevent corrosion is cargo tanks"