apply recognize receive absorb
type AB exactly the same type as yours a mixture of salt, plasma and type O type A
Once Twice Four or five times Forty times
heavier louder stronger happier
tries to accept what is offered always tries to do as much as he possibly can tries to get as little as he can tries to do as little as he possibly can and to get as much in return as he can
REM Sleep Two Types of Sleep Sleepers What Happens to Sleepers
type AB exactly the same type as yours a mixture of salt, plasma and type O type A
One such person Such one person A.such person Such person
To give a speech instead of the businessman. To type a one-hour speech for the businessman. To choose a speech from a book of speeches and type it. To make up a speech from some others and type it.
variation method process type
bind(typE. click change one(typE.
His eyes begin to move. His breathing becomes faster. His heart rate increases. His eyes stop movin