A sudden and warm wind. Thick and lower clouds. Small and feathery cirrus clouds. Dark and thunder clouds.
darkened held blackened prevent
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the weather always remains the same in a day a fine day can't last for long we rarely think about the weather the weather changes a lot
learn about the change of weather group them and give them names tell the differences in clouds find the likeness of clouds
Had it not been for If it were not If it had not been for Were it not for
If clouds are high, there will be bad weather. The color of clouds is a factor to help predict the weather. If the weather is good, the clouds must be very low. To study clouds is the only way to understand the weather.
power tower cover low clouds"
blurred belittled banned collapsed
darkened held blackened prevent
darkened held blackened prevent
the relation between the weather and clouds the ways of grouping and naming clouds the causes of differences in weather the signs of the rain and storm
enhanced characterized obscured undertaken
blurred belittled banned collapsed
A sudden and warm wind. Thick and lower clouds. Small and feathery cirrus clouds. Dark and thunder clouds.