They have no practical value in earthquake prevention. They may have practical value in earthquake prevention. They are certain to have practical value in earthquake prevention. The article does not say anything about their practical value in earthquake prevention.
giant pandA. attraction attractions attractive Attract
it belonged to the 18th century America it had aesthetic and practical value Washington was the greatest person it played a big role in Washington's life
What a; the What ; / How ; the How ; /
that;which what;that how;what what;how
of great value of greatly valuable greatly value great value able
Different value Different value of same goods at the different place Different goods Different value of different goods at the same place
What;add to It;add What;add It;add to
$3000000. $3500000. $4480000. $5650000.
What, value What an, value How, valuable How an, valuable
how you get …that you give which you got what you give what you get …what you give what do you get…what do you give