forget to tell forget telling forgot to tell forgot telling
俘虏 fú 讣告 fù 装帧 zhēn 栅栏 shān 箴言 zhēn 姊妹 zǐ 粗犷 guǎng 皈依 guī聒噪 guō 瑰丽 guī 桎梏 gù 绵亘 gèn
No problem Not at all Yes, I would Forget it
胃溃疡(GU)和十二指肠溃疡(DU)多见于老年 GU和DU多见于青少年 GU和DU多见于中年 GU多见于中老年,DU多见于青壮年 DU多见于中老年,GU多见于青壮年
媾和gòu 觥筹gōng 呱呱叫guā呱呱坠地gū 汩汩gǔ汨罗mì 痼疾gù干涸hé 鳏寡孤独guān 东莞guǎn 盥洗guàn 粗犷guǎng龋yǔ齿 瑰丽guī 焚膏继晷guǐ 余勇可贾gǔ 刽子手guì
tú shū guǎn tú sū guǎn tú shū guǎng tú sū gǎn
奉为圭臬guī 硅谷guī 跬步guǐ 聒噪不已guō 恬不知耻tián 恬静tián 生活huó?? 言简意赅gāi 弹劾hé 放浪形骸hái 隔阂hé 核心hé
特级铁guān yīn -级铁guān yīn 二级铁guān yīn 三级铁guān yīn
demanded imagined supposed guessed
So far so good It's up to you Never mind Forget it
Take it easy By no means You got it Forget it
---- ______, Jack. After all, you didn’t do it on purposE. A. Forget it. Don’t mention it No doubt My pleasure
turning; leaving to turn; leave turning; left to turn; leaving
That’s ok I was looking forward to seeing him. Forget it It doesn’t matter
guī 奉为圭臬 硅谷guī 跬步guǐ guō 聒噪不已 恬不知耻tián 恬静tián 生活huó?? gāi 言简意赅 弹劾hé 放浪形骸hái 隔阂hé 核心hé ??