Greens Mr. Greens The Green The Greens
when would the Greens move here when the Greens moved here w
the Greens left did the Greens leave the Greens leaves will the Greens leave
when would the Greens move here when the Greens moved here when did the Greens move here when the Greens would move here
B.C.D.四个选项中,选出最佳选项 Here is Nancy’s plan for one week during her summer holiday. What kind of plan is this? A.A.party plan. A.trip plan. An exercise plan An eating plan
What they interested in what is interested What interested them What they are interested
when would the Greens move here when the Greens moved here when did the Greens move here when the Greens would move here
what that that what if what what if
A.trip plan A.party plan An eating plan An exercise plan
Mr Green’s The Greens Greens The Mr Green’s
when would the Greens move here when the Greens moved here when did the Greens move here when the Greens would move here
what that that what if what what
named; the Green’s named; the Greens named by Green whose name was; the Greens
A.trip plan A.party plan An eating plan An exercise plan
when would the Greens move here when the Greens moved here the Greens would move here when the Greens would move here
B.C.D.四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1. Here is Nancy’s plan for one week during her summer holiday. What kind of plan is this? A.A.party plan. A.trip plan. An exercise plan An eating plan