in which in whom of whom of them
The number;one third A number;three quarters A
of which half which half of half of them of them half
A number of , is The number of, is The number of, are A number of, are
two hour and a half two and a half hours a half and two hour two hours half
The number, first third The number, one third A.number, half A.number, three quarters
two and a half year two and a half years two year and a half two years and half
one and a half year one year and a half one and half a year a year and half
one and half hours a half and an hour an hour and half one and a half hours
one hou half an hou a few minute zero"
half one third two thirds three quarters
half not as wide as wide not as half as not half as wide as as wide as not half
half of them half of which half of whom half of who
half of them half of which half of whom half of who