nobody; somebody anybody; nobody anybody; anybody somebody; anybody
anybody somebody everybody nobody
the man got his umbrella back the man wasted some motley on advertising nobody found the missing umbrella the umbrella was found somewhere near the church
anybody; somebody everybody; everybody anybody; anybody nobody; nobody
Nobody; somebody Anybody; nobody Nobody; anybody Somebody; anybody
something, nobody nothing, somebody anything, anybody. nothing, nobody.
nobody Anywhere Somebody Nobody
anyone is allowed nobody is allowed is nobody allowed is anyone allowed
who nobody has confidence
in whom nobody has confidence
for whom nobody has confidence
who everyone has confidence of
nobody alive nobody was alive and nobody alive where nobody alive
result=12 result=12 result=3 result=3 result=3 result=12 result=12 result=3
at no time in no time for no time after no time
somebody; everybody anybody; nobody somebody; nobody everybody; anybody
Nobody, something Nobody, nothing Nobody, anything Anybody, nothing
are there; nobody are there; none there are; nobody there are; none
In case of Regardless of As a result of In addition to