Gate 21 21St Gate the Gate 21 21 Gate
离岸价(FO+国外运费+国外运输保险费 离岸价(FO+国外运费+关税 离岸价(FO+增值税+关税 离岸价(FO+国外运费+增值税
Q12=∑Fo×K×Δts Q12=G×∑KoΔts Q12=∑Ko×Fo×Δts Q12=∑Ko×F×ts
FO价+海运费+保险费+关税 FO价+海运费+保险费+关税+外贸手续费 FO价+海运费+保险费+关税+增值税 FO价+海运费+保险费+关税+外贸手续费+增值税
Gate 2 the two gate the gate two second gate
school’s gate School Gate School’s Gate school gate
Bi<1; Bi<0.1; Fo>0.2; Fo>1
too wide wide enough not too wide not wide enough
减小fo有利于脱碳 增大fo利于脱碳 降低[%O]利于脱碳 增加气相中CO分压利于脱碳
等于发射频率 为fo-63MHz 为fo+63MHz 为fo±63MHz中的一个
the two gate a second gate the Gate Two Gate two
the water depth at Golden Gate Bridge is greater than that at the pilot station the water depth at Golden Gate Bridge is smaller than that at the pilot station the water depth at Golden Gate Bridge is equal to that at the pilot station whether the water depth at Golden Gate Bridge is greater or smaller than that at the pilot station cannot be decided
Fo<0.5; Fo>1; Bi<0.1; Fo<0.25。
“FO”阀全开,“FC”阀全关 事故前末端状态 “FO”阀全关,“FC”阀全开 不确定