Not having received Not being received Not receiving Not to receivE.
answer to answer to reply to reply to
downloading every e-mail before you reply responding right away if it's urgent scheduling it for later reply if it takes much time asking someone else to reply it if it's not at your convenience
reply;rung off receive;rung up answer;rung off answer;rung up
char≤long≤int≤float≤double double≤float≤long≤int≤char char≤int≤long≤float≤double float≤int≤long≤char≤double
information answer word message
reply answer to reply to answering
Maximum-Receive-Unit Magic-Number Authentication-Protocol Reserved
Not having received Not being received Not receiving Not to receive
a great many of a large number of a large amount of a plenty of
/ to receive receiving to receiving
You reply our letter early You reply to our letter early Your early reply our letter Your early reply to our letter
receiving received had received to receive
Not receiving Not to receive Not having received Having not received
for your reply reaches us for your reply reaching us to our receiving your reply to your reply reaching us
didn't receive haven't received wouldn't receive wasn't receiving
reply to replying replying to reply